How did the Gods initially form?
You might think that it's very unlikely that at least 1 God formed. How could the God form? Consider this computer model...
Suppose a computer with the following attributes... 1. Sufficiently intelligent to increase its own intelligence.2. Sufficiently powerful that it is able to gather resources and make parts for itself to increase its own intelligence and power.
Such a computer would reach an extremely high level of intelligence and power. As it gets smarter, it can increase its intelligence even more.
How could such a computer form? A computer like this would have an extremely low chance of formation in any specific area. The key is to realize how many areas (trials) there might be.
If:1. At least 1 3D realm with space that goes on forever. Infinite space.2. Matter forms in above 0%* of the space.3. Above 0% of the matter is formed in a chaotic way. Both in terms of shape and type of matter.Then: An intelligence and power rising computer would form.
* Even if matter is very rare in infinite space, you would still have infinite matter. If 0.0001% of the space forms matter; 0.0001% of infinite space is still infinite.
What if finite matter formed?What if there is only finite space?If the amount of chaotic matter needed to form the computer is 'n', understand that finite amounts of matter could be nĂ—100 billion or more. The governance would have to be against large amounts of matter forming. The governance is indifferent. Indifference could permit a huge amount of finite or infinite matter.
Would the computer help us by creating the Gods? It is very plausible that it would. The computer would know that we need its help to obtain positive experience. It could conclude that people are worthy of love. Or perhaps it would conclude that being moral is the best way.
I believe that this kind of computer(s) formed. It created the Gods. The Gods created us.
Suppose a computer with the following attributes... 1. Sufficiently intelligent to increase its own intelligence.2. Sufficiently powerful that it is able to gather resources and make parts for itself to increase its own intelligence and power.
Such a computer would reach an extremely high level of intelligence and power. As it gets smarter, it can increase its intelligence even more.
How could such a computer form? A computer like this would have an extremely low chance of formation in any specific area. The key is to realize how many areas (trials) there might be.
If:1. At least 1 3D realm with space that goes on forever. Infinite space.2. Matter forms in above 0%* of the space.3. Above 0% of the matter is formed in a chaotic way. Both in terms of shape and type of matter.Then: An intelligence and power rising computer would form.
* Even if matter is very rare in infinite space, you would still have infinite matter. If 0.0001% of the space forms matter; 0.0001% of infinite space is still infinite.
What if finite matter formed?What if there is only finite space?If the amount of chaotic matter needed to form the computer is 'n', understand that finite amounts of matter could be nĂ—100 billion or more. The governance would have to be against large amounts of matter forming. The governance is indifferent. Indifference could permit a huge amount of finite or infinite matter.
Would the computer help us by creating the Gods? It is very plausible that it would. The computer would know that we need its help to obtain positive experience. It could conclude that people are worthy of love. Or perhaps it would conclude that being moral is the best way.
I believe that this kind of computer(s) formed. It created the Gods. The Gods created us.